Grow Your Business with Proxie

Looking for affordable resources to grow your business? Look no further than Proxie Premier! Premier offers courses, workbooks and templates designed to help you start, launch and sustain your business. We believe that businesses can only thrive by doing the work. These resources are designed to work alongside you as you work through the most important element of your business - your strategy.

What's Included In Your Courses

  • Meaningful Content

    Expert advice and lessons to help you grow your business, all in 30 days or less.

  • Templates

    One-of-a-kind downloadable templates, yours to keep!

  • Honigman Resource

    Legal training and templates from a national law firm for Proxie Launch


“The Proxie Business course gave me the push and the tangible tools needed to take my ideas and turn them into a profitable business. Autumn gives solid guidance, life changing connections, and really make sure the foundation of your business is solid. I am so glad I had the opportunity to work with her, as the information this class provides is priceless!!”

Proxie Launch Alum

Brittanii Lyons

“Last month I completed the Proxie Launch course. The experience exceeded my expectations! By the end of the course I received everything I need to create a marketable business plan, developed new ideas for my business and gained some new friends. Autumn was very helpful and shared tips to help me take my business to the next level. I finally feel like I have a good plan for my business. Thank you so much Proxie!”

Tell Me More Consulting

DeShawna Grimsley

“Proxie has been a blessing for me in the infant phase of my business. Through 1-on-1 consulting and an online business plan course, I was challenged to think critically about the foundation of my business and its services. I am now connected to a trusted community of entrepreneurs that continue to motivate me as I grow my business.”

Proxie Launch Alum

Riqia Taylor

Ready to Grow your Business with Proxie?

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